asserted that binary digits could be transmitted over a noisy channel with
an arbitrary small probability of error if the binary digits were suitably
• In 1956 a scientist working for Bell Labs, John Larry Kelly, Jr., brought
together game theory and information theory when he published ‘A new
interpretation of information rate’1 (Kelly 1956). He showed that in order
to achieve maximum growth of wealth, at every bet a gambler should
maximize the expected value of the logarithm of his capital, because it is
the logarithm which is additive in repeated bets and to which the law of
large numbers applies. The assumptions are that the gambler’s capital
is infinitely divisible and all profits are reinvested. Money management
systems which maximize the expected value of the capital are said to
employ the Kelly criterion.
• Bellman and Kalaba (1957) considered the role of dynamic programming
in statistical communication theory and generalized and extended (Kelly
1956)’s results.
• The first to introduce the Kelly criterion in an economic context, Latan´e
(1959) showed that investors should maximize the geometric mean of their
• Breiman (1961) proved that using the Kelly criterion is asymptotically
optimal under two criteria: (1) minimal expected time to achieve a fixed
level of resources and (2) maximal rate of increase of wealth. It is only in
continuous time that the results are exact.
• In 1962, Edward O. Thorp, an American maths professor, author and
blackjack player wrote Beat the Dealer (Thorp 1962), which became a
classic and was the first book to prove mathematically that blackjack
could be beaten by card counting.
• Thorp and Walden (1966) developed a winning strategy for a side bet in
Nevada Baccarat and used the Kelly criterion to determine bet sizes.
• Thorp (1969) concluded that the Kelly criterion should replace theMarkowitz
criterion (Markowitz 1959) as the guide to portfolio selection.
• Hakansson (1970) consider the optimal investment and consumption strategies
under risk for a class of utility functions and also give the necessary
and sufficient conditions for long-run capital growth.
• Radner (1971) was the first to employ a balanced investment strategy in
the context of stochastic generalizations of the von Neumann model of
economic growth.
1The original title was ‘Information theory and gambling’, but Kelly changed it to appease
his employer.
Labels: Money Management
Money Management
Martin Sewell
Department of Computer Science
University College London
May 2007, updated July 2008
1 Introduction
For a speculative investor, there are two aspects to optimizing a trading strategy.
The first and most important goal of a trader is to achieve a positive expected
risk-adjusted return. Once this has been achieved, the trader needs to know
what percentage of his capital to risk on each trade. The underlying principals
of money management apply to both gambling and trading, and were originally
developed for the former.
2 History of Money Management
• In a paper on the measurement of risk that launched ‘expected utility
theory’, Bernoulli (1738) proposed that people have a logarithmic utility
function. He noted that, as a consequence of this, when profits are
reinvested, in order to measure the value of risky propositions one should
calculate the geometric mean. The paper was later translated into English
(Bernoulli 1954).
• In an article on ‘Speculation and the carryover’ that focuses on cotton
trading, Williams (1936) states that a speculator should bet on a representative
future price, and points out that if his profits and losses are
reinvested the method of calculating such a price is to choose the geometric
mean of all the possible prices.
• In 1944 the mathematician John von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern
wrote Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (von Neumann
and Morgenstern 1944). Now a classic book, this is the work upon which
modern-day game theory is based.
• In 1948 Claud Shannon published an article entitled ‘A mathematical theory
of communication’ in two parts (Shannon 1948). The paper established
the discipline of information theory and became a classic. In short, he developed
the concepts of information entropy and redundancy. Shannon
Labels: Money Management
Housing – Spend no more than 35% of net income on housing. Depending on whether you rent or own, that
can include: mortgage/rent, utilities, insurance, taxes, and home maintenance.
Savings – Save at least 10% of income throughout your working
life. Make sure you have 3–6 months income in an emergency fund
before you start saving for other goals.
Transportation – Spend no more than 15% of net income on
transportation. That includes: car payment, auto insurance, tag or license,
maintenance, gasoline, and parking.
Debt – Spend no more than 15% of net income on all other consumer
debt: student loans, retail installment contracts, credit cards, personal
loans, tax debts, and medical debts.
Other – Spend no more than 25% of net income on all other expenses:
food, clothing, entertainment, childcare, medical expenses, tithing/charity,
and vacations.
Labels: Budget Guidelines
If you don’t know where your money is going, it’s time to start tracking your spending. Different methods of
tracking work for different people—some like to save receipts while others prefer to jot down all purchases
in a small notebook they carry with them. Remember, tracking is only effective if you count every expense,
including the morning newspaper and the 75 cents you put in the office vending machine. Use the sheets on
the next two pages to record weekly and monthly spending totals. (We suggest you make copies of the charts
so that you can track for longer than one week.)
Labels: Tracking Day-to-Day Expenses
The Money Management Planner is a guide to help you take control of your finances. It will help you determine your net worth, set goals, monitor
your cash flow and track expenses. A sound spending and savings plan is the foundation for
your long-term financial success.
Examine your past finances to create a plan for all future spending and savings. In other words, a review of your expenses and spending habits will enable you to design a realistic monthly budget.
Be prepared to make some changes, though, if those habits have kept you from achieving your
financial goals.
If your expenses exceed your income, call BALANCE to schedule a money management session.
One of our professional counselors can help you design a realistic spending and savings plan that will help you get back on track and achieve your financial goals.
Labels: Money Management Planner
Labels: Tips beli mobil bekas
Posted by simaseven07 on February 1, 2008
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells of the body. These are the cells that make up the outer lining for the body’s major organs, such as the heart, lungs and stomach. These linings are referred to as the mesothelium and this is how the cancer got its name.
The pleura are the tissue that covers and lines the lungs. These are referred to by the medical community as pleural membranes. The pleura are fibrous membranes and the space between them is the pleural space. The pleural protect the lungs by producing a lubricant that fills the pleural space. This lubricant also allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity as we inhale and exhale.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of the disease. Since the lungs are so close to the heart, it is almost always affected. The pericardium is the lining found on the outside of the heart and allows it to move freely within the heart cavity.
The Peritoneum
The peritoneum is the tissue lining the abdomen. Its job is to protect the abdomen’s contents. It produces a fluid that acts as a lubricant so organs within the abdomen may move freely. Peritoneal mesothelioma is cancer of the tissue that lines the abdominal cavity. This form of mesothelioma is rarer than pleural mesothelioma.
Causes of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is caused by unprotected exposure to asbestos and affects those who were put at risk for the last 50 years.
Who Gets Mesothelioma
The disease is most common in males who are between the ages of 60 and 70 years old. These men were constantly exposed to asbestos dust and fiber, which caused the mutation of the mesothelioma cells. Mesothelioma takes years to develop, which means early diagnosis is almost impossible.
Others at risk for mesothelioma are those who lived in the same household with someone who was constantly exposed to asbestos. Men carried asbestos dust and fibers into their homes on clothing. It was then breathed in by family members. This put them at risk of contacting mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos years after the fact.
The success of treatment for mesothelioma isn”t high. The final stages of the disease are fatal. The earlier mesothelioma is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. If you or a member of your immediate family has ever been constantly exposed to asbestos in the workplace, be sure to contact your health care professional to find out exactly what your options are. You may be tested for the disease and get a clear bill of health.
Labels: mesothelioma Cancer
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Labels: Mesothelioma News
Fred Baron
Fred Baron, represented his first toxic tort client in the early 1970s. Then, he has built one of the largest toxic tort firms in the United States. Widely recognized as a trailblazer in the area of toxic tort law, one reporter noted,"[i]f the field of toxic torts were the frontier of the American West, Baron would have been driving the first wagon onto the plains." G. Taylor, "Outspoken Texan, Baron Establishes Toxic Tort Domain," Legal Times, Vol. VI, No. 25, at p. 10 (Nov. 21, 1983).
As a result of his work to protect the rights of victims of toxic substances, The National Law Journal has listed Fred as one of the "100 Most Influential Lawyers in the U.S." (The National Law Journal, June 8, 2000). He has been honored as a lawyer who helped shape Texas law during the 20th century in "Legal Legends: A Century of Texas Law and Lawyering" (Texas Lawyer commemorative publication, June 2000) and has been named one of Dallas' top lawyers by D Magazine (May 2001 and May 2005). The University of Texas School of Law has honored him by establishing the Frederick M. Baron Chair in Law, which is held by a senior professor of the law school engaged in original research on lawyering and the civil justice system.
A life-long advocate of the environment, the consumer, and working people, Fred Baron has served as lead attorney in complex tort cases involving MTBE and TCE water contamination, radiation contamination, community lead contamination, toxic waste, and pesticide exposure.
Fred Baron has also been credited for his efforts in defeating class action settlements whereby defendant corporations attempted to settle mass tort claims for a fraction of what individuals would otherwise be entitled to recover through the legal system. Fred has twice led successful battles to convince the United States Supreme Court to de-certify nationwide class action settlements involving the "future claims" of asbestos-related injuries, or claims that might someday be brought by people who develop asbestos-related illnesses in the future. As a result of the United States Supreme Court's opinions in Amchem Products v. Windsor, 521 U.S. 591 (1997) and Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp., 527 U.S. 815, 119 S.Ct. 2295, 144 L.Ed.2d 715 (1999), future victims of toxic injuries can no longer have their rights compromised by class action settlements in which they have no voice.
Labels: Mesothelioma Lawyers
Bagi anda yag mau encari Pil Telat Bulan. saya mempunyai info website yang cuup menarik.Tapi belum tau khasiat dari obat itu sendiri.
Silakan cek di webnya :
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Kami menyediakan 4 (empat) macam Produk Pengobatan, yaitu :
1. "Abortion Pill A" yang berfungsi untuk menggugurkan kandungan di usia maksimal 1 (satu) bulan / 4 minggu. Pada usia kandungan ini, pasien tidak akan merasakan sakit, karena janin belum terbentuk. Cara kerja "Abortion Pill A" adalah dengan membendung hormon yang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan kehamilan yaitu hormon progesterone. Karena hormon ini dibendung, maka jalur kehamilan mulai membuka dan leher rahim menjadi melunak sehingga mulai mengeluarkan darah yang merupakan tanda bahwa obat telah bekerja (maksimal 24 jam sejak obat diminum). Darah inilah yang kemudian menjadi pertanda bahwa pasien telah mengalami menstruasinya, sehingga secara otomatis kandungan didalamnya telah hilang dengan sendirinya.
"Abortion Pill A" terdiri atas 3 buah tablet yang harus diminum langsung ketiganya.
Harga : Rp 500.000,-
2. "Abortion Pill B" yang berfungsi untuk menggugurkan kandungan di usia maksimal 3 (tiga) bulan / 12 minggu. Pada usia kandungan ini, pasien akan merasakan sedikit nyeri pada saat darah keluar yang merupakan pertanda menstruasi. Hal ini dikarenakan pada usia kandungan 3 bulan, janin sudah mulai terbentuk walaupun hanya sebesar bola tenis. Cara kerja "Abortion Pill B" secara umum sama dengan cara kerja 'Abortion Pill A', hanya bedanya selain membendung hormon progesterone, juga mengisolasi janin sehingga akan terbelah menjadi kecil-kecil sehingga nantinya akan mudah untuk dikeluarkan. Selain itu, "Abortion Pill B" juga membersihkan rahim dari sisa-sisa janin yang mungkin ada sehingga rahim akan menjadi bersih kembali seperti semula, yang artinya tetap dapat mengandung dan melahirkan secara normal untuk selanjutnya. Menstruasi akan terjadi maksimal 24 jam sejak obat diminum.
"Abortion Pill B" terdiri atas 3 buah tablet dan 2 buah kapsul. 3 buah tablet harus diminum secara bersamaan, dan ketika menstruasi telah terjadi, maka kapsul juga harus diminum paling lama 12 jam sejak menstruasi.
Harga : Rp 1.100.000,-
3. "Abortion Pill Plus" yang berfungsi untuk menggugurkan kandungan di usia maksimal 5 (lima) bulan / 20 minggu. Pada usia kandungan ini, pasien akan merasakan sakit (sekitar 3 - 4 jam), namun hanya akan terjadi pada saat darah keluar yang merupakan pertanda menstruasi. Hal ini dikarenakan pada usia kandungan 5 bulan, janin sudah terbentuk sebesar kepalan tangan orang dewasa. Cara kerja "Abortion Pill Plus" secara umum sama dengan cara kerja 'Abortion Pill B', hanya bedanya selain mengisolasi janin juga menghancurkan janin yang ada dengan formula methotrexate yang dikandung didalamnya. Formula methotrexate ini sangat ampuh untuk menghancurkan janin menjadi serpihan-serpihan kecil yang akan sangat berguna pada saat dikeluarkan nanti. "Abortion Pill Plus" juga membersihkan rahim dari sisa-sisa janin yang mungkin ada / tersisa sehingga nantinya tetap dapat mengandung dan melahirkan secara normal. Menstruasi akan terjadi maksimal 36 jam sejak obat diminum.
"Abortion Pill Plus" terdiri atas 4 buah tablet (warna kuning), 2 buah tablet (warna putih), dan 2 buah kapsul. 4 buah tablet (warna kuning) harus diminum secara bersamaan, dan maksimal 24 jam sejak 2 buah tablet (warna kuning) diminum, masukkan 2 buah tablet (warna putih) kedalam vagina. Ketika menstruasi telah terjadi, maka 2 buah kapsul harus diminum paling lama 12 jam sejak menstruasi.
Harga : Rp 2.000.000,-
4. "Morning After Pill" yang berfungsi untuk mencegah terjadinya kehamilan karena suatu hubungan seks tanpa pengaman dimasa subur sang wanita (tanpa menggunakan kondom / Pil KB). Cara kerja "Morning After Pill" adalah dengan mengganggu / membendung indung telur dan perkembangan dari jalur kehamilan, sehingga pembuahan yang telah ada menjadi gagal. "Morning After Pill" hanya akan efektif jika diminum paling lama 120 jam / 5 hari sejak hubungan seks. Tingkat keberhasilan "Morning After Pill" mencapai 98 % jika digunakan sesuai aturan. Efek samping yang ditimbulkan adalah mual dan sedikit mulas.
"Morning After Pill" terdiri atas 2 buah tablet. Tablet yang pertama diminum maksimal 120 jam sejak hubungan seks tanpa pengaman, dan disusul oleh tablet yang kedua maksimal 12 jam sejak tablet yang pertama diiminum.
Harga : Rp 400.000,-
Untuk semua produk obat "Abortion Pill", kami jamin 99% efektif dan berhasil jika diminum sesuai dengan aturan pemakaian dan sesuai dengan usia kandungan pemakai. Jika tidak berhasil padahal sudah sesuai usia kandungan dan aturan pemakaian, maka dengan senang hati kami akan kirim kembali obatnya dengan dosis yang lebih tinggi atau uang anda kami kembalikan, terserah anda sebagai pembeli. Artinya, sebagai contoh, jika usia kandungan sudah melebihi 4 minggu, maka harus menggunakan "Abortion Pill B" dan bukannya yang "A". Jika tidak berhasil karena anda tetap menggunakan "Abortion Pill A" untuk kasus diatas, maka kami tidak akan mengembalikan uang anda / garansi batal. Aturan pemakaian secara detil kami sertakan dalam bungkus paket obat yang kami kirim ke pembeli.
Cara menghitung Usia Kandungan secara pasti adalah dimulai pada hari anda melakukan sex tanpa pengaman (kondom atau kontrasepsi lainnya) untuk pertama kalinya sejak berakhirnya haid terakhir anda sampai dengan saat anda memesan obat. Tetapi jika anda lupa atau kurang yakin dengan tanggal kejadian tersebut, maka untuk aman dan pastinya kami menyarankan untuk menghitung dimulai dari hari terakhir haid anda yang terakhir. Misalnya, haid anda yang terakhir selesai pada 10 maret dan anda melakukan sex tanpa pengaman untuk pertama kalinya setelah itu pada 24 maret. Jika hari ini adalah tanggal 10 Mei, maka usia kandungan anda yang sebenarnya adalah sekitar 6,5 minggu jika anda ingat tanggal 24 maret tersebut. Jika tidak, maka dihitung mulai dari tanggal 10 maret yang berarti usia kandungan sekitar 8,5 minggu. Kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk menggunakan metode yang kedua jika tidak pasti dengan yang pertama.
Labels: Abortion Pill